Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Kaitlyn Terry - project 4 group 2



  1. Hi Kaitlyn!
    I like the over saturation giving your picture the miniature look!
    My critique would be to use a linear blur instead of a circular blur, and then crop some of the blurred space out to give off a better illusion of the subject being a miniature! other than that, great work!!

  2. Hey Kaitlyn! I like the amount of saturation you used on your photo. One thing I would change is to blur out the top of the cars in the Java parking lot, I think that would add to the miniature look. Great job!

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  4. Hey Kaitlyn! I think your use of cropping was excellent! If I had to change one thing, I personally might have left a little bit of the grass in the foreground and put my main focus on the cars in the front (just to avoid the block on trees in the middle of the picture).
