Friday, February 26, 2021

Shannie Chiasson, Project 2, GROUP 1



  1. Hey Shannie! Your photos look really nice, I like the lighting in the first picture in particular, although I wish he was facing a little bit more towards the camera so the light would catch his eye. Well done!

  2. Hello Shannie! I really enjoyed your photos. I love the use of shadows in both pictures. The only thing I would say to improve this photo group would be to to maybe try under exposing the night time portrait to indicate are darker time frame in which the picture was taken.

  3. Hey Shannie! I really like both of your photos! I really like how the lighting naturally highlights your subject's face in the top picture! The only thing I might change about the bottom one is the centering. I think both pictures would look really neat in black and white because of how much contrast is going on! Great job!
