Monday, February 22, 2021

Isaac Pruett / Group 1/ Project 2



  1. Isaac, I always love seeing your photos, but these floored me! I love your sense of style and how you are true to yourself in your work. I love the lights in the background in the darker photo that highlight your face. Great job!

  2. Hey Isaac! These photos are really nice, I like the contrast of the black shirt in the first photo, and the streetlights in the back of the second photo. One thing I did notice is the first photo seems to be the most clear on his jawline, I would like to see the focus more on the middle of his face. Overall, these photos are great!

  3. Hi, Isaac. Both very interesting photos. Trying to figure out the emotion captured in the first one - anger, deep thought, etc. The second suggests that either you got over the anger or formalized your thoughts and have made a decision to go take care of the situation. Would like to have seen a bit more of a close up on the second, perhaps with that one light at the far right behind you.

  4. Hey Isaac! I really like both of these photos! I especially love the coloring and graininess in the bottom picture! If I had to pick one thing to change, I might have centered Luke on an all light background in the top picture. Great job!

  5. Hey Isaac! I love your pictures for this project... especially because of your super dope subject ;)
    Just kidding, I love the use of color in the darker picture, and the angle you used in the first picture. The only correction I would give would be to highlight the face of the subject a little more in the second picture.
