Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Doris Johnson Project 2 Group 1



  1. Doris, I love your two photos! The darker one is the most impressive to me. If I were to suggest you change anything I would say to bring his eyes more into focus on the first picture. Other than that, I love them! Great job!

  2. Hi, Doris. Really nice photos. The first photo to me is a more candid shot - kind of a anywhere, anytime looking photo. The second photo reminds me of an intentionally posed, studio shot - very well thought out including color selections and lighting. This even sounds crazy to me, but for some reason, the noticeable zipper in the first is a bit distracting - not sure why.

  3. Hello DJ! I think you did a really great job on both of your photos! I really like the coloring in both of your photos. The only thing I would adjust is the focus on the bottom image, but they still look great!

  4. Hello Doris! I love the use of shadows across the face of your subject especially in the second picture. The only that I would suggest would be to lower the shutter speed or ISO and increase the darkness in the second picture. I feel like that would completely change the aesthetic of the picture! Overall however, great photography!!!
