Monday, February 22, 2021

Britain Lord - Group 1, Project 2



  1. Britain, I love your two photos! I love the way that they both contrast each other as well as the fun shape you made each one. Great job!

  2. Hi, Britain. I'm a big fan of black and white photos ... good choice in my opinion. Sort of a melancholy look to the facial expressions in each. I like the lighting in the first although the "orb" is a bit if a distraction. Perhaps a bit to dark in the second with the vehicles in the background - unless of course you are trying to convey a particular meaning or emotion.

  3. Hey Britain! I love the shapes you chose with the black and white colors. I think the light in the back of the photo can be a little bit distracting but I really don't think it takes away from these photos at all. Well done!

  4. Hey Britain! I really like both of your photos! I really love the contrast in the lower image! I might have tried a different perspective for the top one just to emphasize the contrast in the two images, but other than that I think they look great!

  5. Hey Britain! I really love both of your photos and the use of bouquet in the darker picture! The only suggestion that would give would be to give a little bit more contrast in the background of the pictures you took. Again though, I love both of these portraits!
