Monday, February 22, 2021

Anna Boswell / Group 4 / Project 2



  1. Hi, Anna. I like the use of the pastel colors in contrast to the darker, more stark orange color above the eyes - interesting combination. I like the soft lighting of the first photo. On the second photo, perhaps getting the shot with just the head and a bit of the neck would have been a more alluring photo.

  2. Hi! I love your use of color and artificial lighting. I adore how you decided to accentuate the artistry of her look. If I had to chose one thing to change, I might try to turn her a tad more towards the camera in the second picture. Otherwise, I am unsure if I would actually change anything.

  3. I love the colors in your photos! The backgrounds matched with the subjects clothing. One help would be to play around with positions, in the dark photo your subject seem very stationary. It would help to add some movement or story to the photo

  4. I love these photos! You used color brilliantly, however, if I were to change something, I would alter the subjects pose or background in the second picture. The blue is a little distracting as it pulls my eyes more so to the side rather than on your subject.
